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Carers Bi-Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinar- Building Resilience and Wellbeing Programme

25 September 2024 1:30pm – 2:30pmBST (+01:00)
Location TBC

Our online lunch and learn bi-monthly webinars aim to bring together carers and professionals from across the country in an informal atmosphere to collaborate, learn, and drive the identification and support for unpaid carers.

This session will be the Building Resilience and Wellbeing Programme , work led by Kaddy Thomas at Carers Collective. Carers Collective is just that, a group of people who recognise that carers need to take care of themselves as well as those they care for. 

The Building Resilience and Wellbeing Programme aims to help carers manage stress, burnout, and the challenges of being a carer. It empowers carers, with the skills and resources to help them discover the small steps they can take to navigate and cope with the day-to -day challenges of being a carer. 

We look forward to welcoming you on the day.

Please note the closing date for registration is Monday 23rd at 5pm. 

Questions about this event?

Name: Steve Mbara


Telephone: 07900715519

General FAQs