Consultation engagement webinar - Items which should not be routinely prescribing in primary care

4 February 2019 10:00am – 11:00amGMT (+00:00)
Webinar (online Meeting), Webinar (online Meeting), LS2 7UE, United Kingdom

Ticket sales finished: 3 February 2019 11:55pm

Webinar for Pharmacists

In 2017, the cost of prescriptions dispensed in the community was £9.17 billion. This cost coupled with finite resources means it is important that the NHS achieves the greatest value from the money that it spends.  We know that across England there is significant variation in what is being prescribed and to whom.  Often patients are receiving medicines and products which have been proven to be ineffective or in some cases dangerous, for which there are other more effective, safer and/or cheaper alternatives.

NHS England has partnered with NHS Clinical Commissioners to support Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in ensuring that they can use their prescribing resources effectively and deliver best patient outcomes from the medicines and products that their local population uses. CCGs asked for a nationally co-ordinated approach to the development of commissioning guidance in this area to ensure consistency and address unwarranted variation. The aim is that this will lead to a more equitable process for making decisions about guidance on medicines but CCGs will need to take individual decisions on implementation locally.

Set out in the consultation document are proposals for an review and update of Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care: Guidance for CCGs, published in Nov 2017. The commissioning guidance, upon which we are consulting, will be addressed to CCGs to support them to fulfil their duties around appropriate use of prescribing resources. This will need to be taken into account by CCGs in adopting or amending their own local guidance to their clinicians in primary care.

The aim of this webinar (online meeting) is to provide you with information about the proposed national guidance, with an opportunity to ask questions and to seek your views about the proposals. You can also read more about the consultation proposals here.

Questions about this event?

Name: Heather Holmes


Telephone: 07710152271

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