Delivering Comms Projects with your Partners
22 May 2025 1:00pm – 2:00pmBST (+01:00)
Location TBC
NHS Bitesize sessions are for NHS professional communicators. Please register with your NHS email. If you register with a personal or corporate email you will not received the Teams invite on the morning of the session.
How it works: register with your NHS email address and you will receive the Teams invite by 10:00 on the day of the session. Note all sessions take place 13:00-14:00.
This session will be presented by Thomas Gurney the Director of Strategy, Communications and Engagement at NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight along with Director of Communications at NHS England
The final agenda is to come however the learning objectives are as follows:
Learning objectives
- Recognising and understanding how partners may have different objectives in the same project (including their own reputation management)
- Importance of clarifying your own “must deliver” expectations
- How to find common ground, negotiation on comms objectives and messages
Questions about this event?
Name: alison brown
Telephone: 07500033410
General FAQs