EoE Cardiac Network - Heart Failure Summit (Detect/Perfect/Protect)
Ticket sales finished: 18 September 2024 3:00pm
The East of England Cardiac Network and Health Innovation East would like to invite you to attend our Heart Failure Summit where we will showcase best practice and innovation from across the region. The event is aimed at all clinicians who work with people with heart failure including ICB colleagues, cardiologists, GP's Heart Failure Nurse Specialist, community practitioners and pharmacists.
The day will include discussions on the use of the titration document, rapid titration models in heart failure, MDT community clinics etc within the region and will be underpinned with regional data and a key note speech from Nick Hartshorne -Evans from Pumping Marvellous. There will be lots of time for networking despite the packed agenda, as well as a lovely lunch and lots of room to park.. Please do book on and get in touch if there are any queries.
- Welcome & introduction to Heart Failure - Pegah Salahshouri
- Pumping Marvellous key note speech - Nick Hartshorne-Evans
- Patient story
Break - Rapid titration in Heart Failure at Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Rudy Duehmke
- Use of EoE Cardiac Network titration document in practice - Kathryn Carver
- Cardiac Rehab - Vicky Hatch & Charlotte Ferguson
Lunch - Ely PCN Community MDT Heart Failure clinic - Catriona Bhagra
- Discharge medication scheme - Kevin Western
- Difficult conversations - Markus Schichtel
Summary & Close
Questions about this event?
Name: Mandy Harrington
Email: amanda.harrington1@nhs.net
Telephone: 07702431531
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