Inherited Cardiac Conditions Network Update

16 June 2025 4:00pm – 5:00pmBST (+01:00)
Virtual (Microsoft Teams - Webinar)
Inherited Cardiac Conditions Network Update
Inherited cardiac conditions (ICCs) comprise a wide range of heart conditions that share common themes:
• They affect all ages, from birth to old age
• They involve the assessment of families, not just individual patients
• Genetic testing is an integral part of assessment
• Diagnosis is challenging and often requires advanced imaging
• Disease related complications can be catastrophic and include sudden cardiac death
• Lifelong follow up is required to provide symptom control, ongoing risk stratification and monitoring for disease related complications
These common themes mean that service design and delivery is complex, and multi-specialist involvement is necessary. While some patients require highly specialist care, the long-term follow up of stable, lower risk patients can no longer be provided within specialist regional centres alone, and there is universal agreement within the ICC community that clinical care needs to be provided in a range of settings, and by multiple providers, including primary, secondary and tertiary care.
Join this session to learn about the Association of Inherited Cardiac Conditions (AICC) work to establish a national AICC network and the benefits this will bring for patients and clinical teams across England.
The joining link will be sent to you via separate email nearer the event date. In the meantime, please save the time(s) into your calendar - you can either do this manually, or by opening the attachment you will receive on the automated email after registering to an event

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Name: Cardiac Transformation Programme



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