MHLDA Quality Transformation Programme Redesign Community of Change - Inequalities

1 October 2024 2:00pm – 4:00pmBST (+01:00)
Virtual (Microsoft Teams)

The Quality Transformation Programme’s (QTP’s) aim is to support cultural change and a new bold, radical, reimagined model of care for the future across all NHS-funded mental health, learning disability and autism inpatient settings.  

Central to this is the acceleration of new models of care that enable systems to harness the potential of people and communities, within a citizenship model that promotes inclusion and respects their human rights. A Commissioning Framework for Mental Health Inpatient Services was published providing guidance for those responsible for the commissioning of mental health inpatient services and within this, advance the system-wide requirement to ensure that services are local, inclusive and deliver safe, personalised and therapeutic care. 

The commissioning framework and the associated detailed guidance for specific service types, supports systems to develop local plans for change, so that inpatient provision better fits the needs of the population, makes more effective use of the funds available, and protects and improves the lives of citizens in the locality.

Engagement with stakeholders has indicated that the opportunity to network, discuss progress and share good practice examples is valuable . The core aim of these sessions is to support systems to develop and implement their plans to localise and realign inpatient provision in line with the principles contained with the commissioning framework.  The Redesign Community of Change (RCC) therefore brings together relevant stakeholders to share information, to develop knowledge, and to support change locally and regionally.

The majority of events will be online, but we hope to host a face to face later in the series.

The next programme event will take place on 01 October, 2-4pm, on the theme of Inequalities. Our guest presenter is Dr Jacqui Dyer, MBE, NHS England Mental Health Equalities Advisor. 

This meeting will be held on Teams. 

The target audience for these events is anyone working in Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism including Commissioners working across health and social care, VCSE partners and those supporting the development and implementation of ICB 3 year plans.

Questions about this event?

Name: Sean Antony Mitchell


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