North East & Yorkshire NHS App Back to Basics / Refresher Training Session

5 March 2025 12:30pm – 2:00pmGMT (+00:00)
Virtual (Microsoft Teams Town Hall)

The North East & Yorkshire Regional Primary Care Transformation Team are hosting a 90 minute NHS App Back to Basics / Refresher training session delivered by the Digital Citizen Programme within the National Policy & Engagement Team.  This is in response to an increasing number of queries and support requests relating to the NHS App.

Aimed at Practice Level Staff, App Ambassadors, Digital & Transformation Leads, Digital Leads and wider colleagues in Secondary Care or Local Authority who are keen to increase knowledge and understanding of the NHS App, its features and functions.  The aim of the session is to improve confidence in using, promoting and supporting patients to access the NHS App.  

Registration closes at 5pm on Tuesday 4th March (the day before the event), following which a meeting invite link will be sent to all registered attendees.  If you are unable to attend and would like a copy of the recording, please register for the event regardless so that you are added to our distribution list for post-event comms.



Questions about this event?

Name: Susan Haley


Telephone: 07783 812574

General FAQs