Nhs E I

NHS Net Zero Report Launch

5 October 2020 12:30pm – 1:00pmBST (+01:00)
Skipton House, London, SE1 6LH, United Kingdom

Ticket sales finished: 5 October 2020 11:00am

In this session, Dr Nick Watts, Chair of the Lancet Countdown and incoming NHS Chief Sustainability Officer , will introduce the NHS Net Zero Report (published 1 October 2020) and discuss the latest NHS carbon footprint, trajectories to net zero and the interventions required to achieve that ambition.

Please note: once you have registered for the event, you will be sent a separate email providing the link to join this session hosted on MS Teams Live.

A Net Zero NHS

The UK government has committed to reaching net zero carbon by 2050. This means significantly reducing emissions as well as off-setting using carbon capture, such as planting trees.

The health and care system in England is responsible for an estimated 4-5% of the country’s carbon footprint so has a major role to play in supporting this. The NHS has therefore committed to reaching net zero as soon as possible.

An expert panel, chaired by Dr Nick Watts, has been looking at how and when this will be possible. This has been supported by an open call for evidence that collected over 650 pieces of evidence across a broad spectrum of areas from food and transport, to clean energy production and increasing use of technology to manage health conditions.

The NHS Net Zero Report

The report sets out the considerable advances that the NHS has already made in improving our carbon footprint and reducing the environmental impact of our services. It provides a detailed account of the NHS’ modelling and analytics underpinning the latest NHS carbon footprint, trajectories to net zero and the interventions required to achieve that ambition. It lays out the direction, scale and pace of change. It describes an iterative and adaptive approach, which will periodically review progress and aims to increase the level of ambition over time.

The report examines a number of the areas critical to carbon reduction across the NHS including:

  • Estates and facilities
  • Medicines
  • Supply chain
  • Travel and transport
  • Food, catering and nutrition
  • Research, innovation and offsetting

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Name: Greener Nhs Programme Team

Email: greener.nhs@nhs.net

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