The North East and Yorkshire Experience of Care Event (online)
The North East and Yorkshire Region Experience of Care Event
Please join us for this event where we will come together to discuss the experience of patients and unpaid carers programmes of work across the North East and Yorkshire.
(Please note that the link for the event will be sent the day before. We recommend noting the event in your calendar using the function above)
With an introduction to the day from our Regional Director of Nursing & Clinical Quality, Julie Clennell, the focus of the morning will be a presentation from Family Action in Leeds on the ‘No Wrong Doors for Young Carers’ Memorandum of Understanding, which is designed to improve joint working across the system this approach improves identification and support for young carers.
Sarah Wall from the National Experience and Partnerships Team at NHS England will present the refresh of the Experience of Care Framework in the afternoon. The framework provides an approach that supports systems to embed actions to improve patient experience.
We will also hear updates from our ICBs on their work and there will be an opportunity to network and meet colleagues from across the region.
Questions about this event?
Name: Campbell McNeill
Telephone: 07730374842
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