Experience of Care Week 2021

Experience of Care Week is an international initiative, which runs from 26th April to 30th April, and to celebrate the work that is happening across health and social care to keep improving experiences of care for patients, families, carers and staff.   

We welcome being able to turn the spotlight on good ideas and recognise staff making changes for the better, we want everyone to feel they are able to contribute to this special week and make it a week of celebration.  

We want to hear all about the amazing work being done in all areas of the health sector, so please share any details of any events, any news stories or webinars happening within that week which cover any aspect of patient experience and we will raise the profile. Please contact Lesley Goodburn Experience of Care Lead - Provider Improvement lesley.goodburn1@nhs.net 

We have a programme of national online events and you can book onto the sessions on this page. We will be sharing our work online as a result of the pandemic so please ensure that you use the #ExpOfCare so that we can see the work you are doing and we can promote.   

PLEASE NOTE:- The joining details for each webinar will be sent on the afternoon of the day prior to the event, please therefore ensure you use the correct joining details if you are booked onto more than one session. If you are booked onto a session and do not receive details the day before the event, please contact ellie.coulbeck@nhs.net for support.  


Co-ProductionMonday 26 April 202112pm - 1pmRegister here
Health InequalitiesTuesday 27 April 202112pm - 1pmRegister here
CarersWednesday 28 April 202112pm - 1pmRegister here
Allied Health ProfessionalsThursday 29 April 202112pm - 1pmRegister here
#Call Me WebinarThursday 29 April 2021 2pm - 3pmRegister here
Beryl InstituteFriday 30 April 202112pm - 1pmRegister here