Growing Occupational Health Engagement Events

Engagement Events

Help us shape the vision for Growing OH by sharing your views

NHS England and Improvement have been working with Dr Steve Boorman and national OH bodies such as NHS Health at Work, Faculty of Occupational Medicine and Society of Occupational Medicine, and Social Partnership Forum members to begin developing a vision for growing our OH services and people.

We want to grow this vision and it’s underpinning drivers together with our stakeholders. We are starting with a series of engagement events open to our OH colleagues, senior leaders, wider stakeholders and service users (i.e. our employees and managers) to share feedback on the vision and drivers to further shape our collaborative programme of work together.

Overview of Growing OH vision

Our starting point for Growing OH is that we want to support the health and wellbeing of our NHS people, by growing NHS delivered OH services and our NHS OH people to reach their full potential as strategic, integrated and proactive organisational partners. The programme is underpinned by various service improvement drivers, and the principles of collaboration and co-design by working with our OH community to grow the service, and our OH people together. Our starting point for these drivers for improvement, that we would like your help in shaping are:

  • Empowering OH to be a trusted, strategic, and integrated organisational partner
  • Enabling system-wide service innovation and improvement in OH
  • Equality of access to services that meet the needs of all our diverse NHS people
  • Increasing focus on proactive and preventative care
  • Designing and embracing future models of multi-disciplinary service delivery
  • Enhancing service standards, quality, measurement, and consistency
  • Effective use of technology to support service delivery
  • Empowered OH leadership, service improvement and innovation
  • Increased OH workforce capacity and capability
  • Empowering OH to strategically and operationally support recovery

Which event should I book on?

Please only book on one event which is relevant to your role in OH:

  • OH Professionals: These engagement events are for all OH and wellbeing professionals who work leading and/or delivering the service
  • Senior Leaders: These engagement events are designed for strategic senior and executive leaders, such as HR Directors.


Session Date

Session Time

Growing Occupational Health (Senior Leaders)

Thursday 12 August 2021


2.30pm - 4pm

Growing Occupational Health (OH professionals)

Monday 16 August 2021


12pm - 1.30pm

Growing Occupational Health (Senior Leaders)

Wednesday 18 August 2021


8am - 9.30am

Growing Occupational Health (OH professionals)

Wednesday 18 August 2021


12pm - 1.30pm

Growing Occupational Health (Senior Leaders)

Wednesday 18 August 2021


6pm - 7.30pm

Growing Occupational Health (OH professionals)

Thursday 19 August 2021


2.30pm - 4pm

 Growing Occupational Health (OH Professionals)

 Wednesday 25 August 2021


 2.30pm - 4pm

 Growing Occupational Health (Senior Leaders)

 Wednesday 25 August 2021


 6pm - 7.30pm

 Growing Occupational Health (OH Professionals)

 Friday 27 August 2021


 9.30am - 11am

 Growing Occupational Health (OH Professionals)

 Tuesday 31 August 2021


 8am - 9.30am

 Growing Occupational Health (Senior Leaders)

 Tuesday 31 August 2021


12pm - 1.30pm