People and Communities Online Learning Programme

Welcome to the People and Communities team’s online learning programme.  These sessions are about working in partnership with people and communities and mix of webinars and workshops, hosted by People an Communities team. The sessions are aimed at colleagues working in or with NHS organisations in engagement activity with people and communities. Others working in the public and voluntary sectors may also find our online learning beneficial and are welcome to attend.

Some sessions are aimed at people who are newer to working with people and communities, helping them to build their knowledge and their toolkit of resources and ideas. Some sessions are aimed at more experienced engagement practitioners, helping them further explore good practice and innovative approaches.

Sessions focus on:

  • Understanding how to build partnerships with people and communities
  • Reducing health inequalities through better understanding of the barriers faced by under-represented communities, and how to overcome these
  • Sharing inspiring ideas that can be put into practice, and tools and resources to support this
  • Meeting the legal duties to involve the public in the work of the NHS







Working with and supporting PPV Partners – Your Q&As 

At this webinar we will take you through the refreshed ‘Recruitment Guidance and templates for NHS England Patient and Public Voice Partner hiring managers’ which you can access on our People and Communities SharePoint page – Involving people and communities - getting started ( or Start With People page - PPV Partner recruitment guidance and templates - #StartWithPeople - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform


There will be time for questions. Or you can contact us by emailing

Monday 29 July 2024

15:00 - 16:00


PPV Partner ‘drop in’

A monthly ‘drop in’ session for Patient and Public Voice partners who have questions about the help and support that is available to them. Come to this open session, hosted by People and Communities team, to have a chat with the team and network with other PPV partners. Sessions will be at 09:30 am on the last Tuesday of the month.

This drop in is not for staff. If you are a staff member and would like to know how to involve people and communities in your work, or how to recruit and support a PPV Partner, come and speak to us by emailing

Tuesday 30 July 2024

09:30 - 11:00


Working with and supporting PPV Partners – Your Q&As 

At this webinar we will take you through the refreshed ‘Recruitment Guidance and templates for NHS England Patient and Public Voice Partner hiring managers’ which you can access on our People and Communities SharePoint page – Involving people and communities - getting started ( or Start With People page - PPV Partner recruitment guidance and templates - #StartWithPeople - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform


There will be time for questions. Or you can contact us by emailing

Monday 19 August 2024

15:00 - 16:00


PPV Partner ‘drop in’

A monthly ‘drop in’ session for Patient and Public Voice partners who have questions about the help and support that is available to them. Come to this open session, hosted by People and Communities team, to have a chat with the team and network with other PPV partners. Sessions will be at 09:30 am on the last Tuesday of the month.

This drop in is not for staff. If you are a staff member and would like to know how to involve people and communities in your work, or how to recruit and support a PPV Partner, come and speak to us by emailing

Tuesday 27 August 2024

09:30 - 11:00


Working with People and Communities to Improve General Practice in Primary Care

This webinar will act as an introduction to NHS England’s course “Working with People and Communities to improve General Practice in Primary Care”. You will hear from Prof Margaret Ikpoh of the RCGP who features in the course, as well as Dr Cait Taylor and Dr Fiza Salam whose inspiring work in Central Liverpool PCN also features.

Thursday 19 September 2024

15:30 - 16:30


PPV Partner ‘drop in’

A monthly ‘drop in’ session for Patient and Public Voice partners who have questions about the help and support that is available to them. Come to this open session, hosted by People and Communities team, to have a chat with the team and network with other PPV partners. Sessions will be at 09:30 am on the last Tuesday of the month.

This drop in is not for staff. If you are a staff member and would like to know how to involve people and communities in your work, or how to recruit and support a PPV Partner, come and speak to us by emailing

Tuesday 24 September 2024

09:30 - 11:00


Sharing the learning directly from ICB people and communities projects

The aim is to share learning from individual ICB projects funded by NHS England to improve their working with people and communities.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

13:00 - 14:00


Shine a Light on Co-production

The Experience and Partnerships Team at NHS England would like to invite you to our Shine a Light on Co-production Event.

This event is to shine a light on the art of the possible in relation to co-produced improvements and demonstrate what can be achieved when we work together with people with lived experience.

At each event people with lived and learnt experience share their experience of co-producing their improvement together. This will include the difference co-production made to them and their organisation,  their top tips, what went well and the challenges they faced.

For further information please send an email to  

Tuesday 24 September 2024

10:30 -12:00



Working with and supporting PPV Partners – Your Q&As 

At this webinar we will take you through the refreshed ‘Recruitment Guidance and templates for NHS England Patient and Public Voice Partner hiring managers’ which you can access on our People and Communities SharePoint page – Involving people and communities - getting started ( or Start With People page - PPV Partner recruitment guidance and templates - #StartWithPeople - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform


There will be time for questions. Or you can contact us by emailing

Monday 30 September 2024

15:00 - 16:00


Learning from A Better Way’s report on ICB people and communities projects

The aim is to raise awareness around the learning from a report by A Better Way, commissioned by NHS England, looking at how sixteen ICBs used NHS England funding to improve how they worked with people and communities.

Tuesday 1 October 2024

13:00 - 14:00



Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Partners Influence, Impact and Induction training course

This course is for people who are involved with NHS England as a Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Partner in an expert advisor role. The course will be three half days of interactive learning on Teams, with a focus on how to influence change and how to develop skills and confidence to make the most of the PPV partner role. You will need to attend all three modules of the course.

We are planning future course dates. To receive notifications or be added to a waiting list, please email

What’s on offer?

Our current programme of learning sessions is listed below. (After registering, please ensure you mark the time in your diary or calendar. The joining link for each webinar will be sent out a few days before the session.)

If a webinar is fully booked, please contact us to be added to a waiting list –

There are further learning opportunities to support the development of Primary Care Networks on our Primary Care team’s web page.