The NHS England and Improvement Easy Read job application Pilot

Dear colleagues,

Thank you again for expressing an interest in the NHS England and Improvement Easy Read paper job applicationPilot. It’s really positive to see a significant number of organisations coming forward in expressing an interest to take part in the Pilot. We have put together a series of WebExes for you to have an opportunity to understand how the Pilot will work and what support and resources we aim to provide you with before and during the Pilot. The main purpose of the Pilot is to test whether the Easy Read paper job application form can make a positive contribution to the recruitment framework for NHS organisations.

We will be running the WebExes during the last two weeks of October 2019 and beginning of November 2019.

Duration of the Pilot project

The Pilot project will run from October 2019 to April 2020. The Pilot will have 4 phases:

  • Phase 1 – Introduction to the Pilot and what we expect of organisations – during the WebExes last two weeks in October 2019
  • Phase 2 – Commencement of the Pilot – mid November 2019 until mid February 2020
  • Phase 3 – End of Pilot and submission of evaluation responses – mid February 2020 to end of February 2020
  • Phase 4 – Evaluation of the Pilot – March/April 2019

We have provided some information on Phase 1 below. Information on Phases 2, 3 and 4 and the evaluation process will be provided during the 3 WebExes.

Phase 1 – Introduction to the Pilot from 21 October 2019 – 8 November 2019

There will be 3 WebExes:

  • WebEx 1: Introducing the Pilot and Q&A
  • WebEx 2: Practical issues for the Pilot, support for participating organisations and introducing the evaluation process
  • WebEx 3: Supporting people with learning disabilities


WebEx 1: Introducing the Pilot and Q&A

During this WebEx we will aim to cover the following:

  1. Background and context setting
  2. Overall aims of the Easy Read paper job application form project
  3. Purpose of the Pilot
  4. Key activities and the timeframe for the Pilot
  5. The Easy Read resources
  6. Support during the Pilot
  7. Question and answers

This is a WebEx event which can be accessed via a video conferencing call.  Participants only need to attend one of the WebEx 1 sessions. Once you have selected your preferred date, further details instructing you how to join the WebEx will be sent to you.

21 October 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

22 October 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

24 October 2019 2pm - 3.30pm


WebEx 2:Practical issues for the Pilot

During this WebEx we will aim to cover the following:

  1. Selecting posts
  2. Evaluating the Pilot
  3. The surveys – 1, 2 and 3
  4. The 4 surveys – focusing on surveys 1, 2 and 3
  5. Support during the Pilot
  6. Questions and answers

This is a WebEx event which can be accessed via a video conferencing call.  Participants only need to attend one of the WebEx 2 sessions. Once you have selected your preferred date, further details instructing you how to join the WebEx will be sent to you.

29 October 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

30 October 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

5 November 2019 2pm - 3.30pm


WebEx 3:Supporting people with learning disabilities

During this WebEx we will aim to cover the following:

  1. Supporting people with learning disabilities
  2. Issues and challenges that the Pilot may raise
  3. What support the LDEP can offer during the Pilot
  4. Where employers can get wider support in their locality during and after the Pilot
  5. Questions and answers

This is a WebEx event which can be accessed via a video conferencing call.  Participants only need to attend one of the WebEx 3 sessions. Once you have selected your preferred date, further details instructing you how to join the WebEx will be sent to you.

6 November 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

7 November 2019 2pm - 3.30pm

8 November 2019 2pm - 3.30pm


We would be grateful if you could please book on all the three WebExes by 17 October 2019 and we look forward in speaking with you soon.